Location Address Only - No mail is delivered to this address.
YMCA Camp Glacier Hollow
9289 Pavelski Road
Amherst Junction, WI 54407
(715) 824-5267
The Camp location is different than the business mailing address.
Business & Registration Mailing Address:
Stevens Point Area YMCA
1000 Division Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481
(715) 342-2980
Click Here for a Google Map

From Stevens Point (14 miles) or Marshfield (60 miles)
Hwy 10 East to Hwy 161 (old Cty SS). Left onto Hwy 161 to Cty SS (1.5 miles). Right onto Cty SS toward Nelsonville (1.5 miles). Second road off to the right is Pavelski Rd. Right onto Pavelski Rd. Go about two tenths of a mile on the left is the entrance.
From Waupaca (16 miles) or Appleton (60 miles)
Hwy 10 West to Cty Rd B exit near Amherst. Turn Right onto Cty Rd B toward Amherst. Drive to stop sign and turn left onto Cty Rd KK (old Hwy 10). Travel approximately 2 miles and turn right onto Cty Q (old Hwy 161) toward Nelsonville. A fork in the road, stay to the left, which is Cty Rd SS. Turn left onto Pavelski Rd, which is the first road off to the left from Cty SS. Two tenths of a mile down on the left is the entrance to Glacier Hollow.
From Wausau (50 miles)
Take I-39 S to Stevens Point.
From Green Bay (90 miles)
Take US-41 S to Appleton.
From Minneapolis (230 miles)
Take I-94 E to WI-29 to Wausau then I-39 S to Stevens Point.
From Madison (120 miles)
Take I-39 North to Stevens Point.
From Milwaukee (140 miles)
Take US-41 N to US-45 N to US Hwy 10 toward Stevens Point. Then Waupaca directions.
From Chicago (240 miles)
Take I-94 to I-894 to US-45. Then Milwaukee directions.